WT Wizard,
I definitely see your point about worship. I don't know about other JWs, but speaking for myself, I fought a constant battle between worshiping God and worshiping the man-made rules. And if someone doesn't believe that JWs make you worship rules, just have them read that recent Bible study book: Remain in God's Love or whatever it's called. Or listen to a JW speak adamantly about how you must not celebrate Christmas because it's pagan, while acknowledging that the only reasons most people celebrate the holiday is to be with family. But rule-worship prevails over logic.
One somewhat unrelated point that came to mind about being an "apostate." How can a person who has differing views from JWs ever discuss those views without being suspected of reading "apostate" literature or sites? It's a tough situation. Once a JW suspects you of reading "apostate" stuff, the conversation is basically over. As far as JWs are concerned, "apostate" stuff is plain evil and the person who has been reading it is deeply misled and troubled. You just can't get around it.